I Did Not Know That About My Brother!

Welcoming All New Members to Your Lodge

Introduction: “I Did Not Know That About My Brother!”

In today’s Masonry, we experience a great deal of brethren joining Lodges due to consolidations, mergers, and physical relocations. To help foster a deeper sense of belonging and camaraderie, we present the following interview.

This interview shares a profile of a brother Mason to ensure he is better known by the other brethren of the Lodge and make him feel like a valued member of the Lodge.

Interview & Presentation Process:

  • 1. Interview: Conducted in person, via video call, or over the phone. The interview aims to highlight the brother’s background, achievements, and personal interests. Interview questions can be shared via email beforehand, so the brother has time to prepare thoughtful responses
  • 2. Presentation: A junior officer will give a verbal presentation of the brother’s profile during lodge meetings. Each presentation is designed to last 5 to 7 minutes.

Objective: We want new members to feel like they belong, creating a more united and welcoming community.

Brother’s Profile Presentation

Objective: To share a profile of a brother as a Good Man and a Mason so he is better known amongst the brethren of the Lodge.

The Interview: Conducted in person, video, or phone.

Presentation: The Junior Officer will give a verbal Brother’s profile presentation during lodge meetings (5 to 7 minutes each). Note: Interview questions can be shared via email with the brother being profiled so he can think about his responses and prepare for the interview discussion.

Interview Questions

Masonic Background

  • What motivated you to become a Mason?
  • When did you become a Mason? How many years ago?
  • What leadership/officer positions have you held in Craft Masonry?
  • What appendant Masonic bodies are you a member of? What leadership/officer positions have you held there?

Work/Professional Background

  • What types of work did you perform to make a living? For how many years?
  • What types of expertise, skills, or talents did you develop through your work experience?

Honours & Awards

  • What honours, awards, achievements, or accomplishments are you most proud of in your life?

Passions & Hobbies

  • How do you enjoy spending your leisure time when not at work?
  • Do you volunteer your time with any non-Masonic group or organization? If yes, what are they?

Immediate Family

  • Are you married, have a significant other or partner? If yes, for how long and what is their name?
  • Do you have children? If yes, what are their names and ages? Do they have major hobbies or unique talents? What do you enjoy doing with them?

Why I am an Active Mason

  • What do you enjoy most about being a Mason? What do you want to get out of your Masonic experience?
  • What talents, skills, or strengths do you possess that could be useful to the lodge that we have not discussed already?

And now you know a little bit more about Brother __________. Feel free to use this structure to guide your interview and presentation! Is there anything specific you’d like to dive into or need help with?