Hiram’s Call December 2023

VOL. 1, ISSUE 7                          December, 2023


We hope you & your family are enjoying a wonderful holiday season!

In this issue of Hiram’s Call, Right Worshipful Brother Wayne Spooner of the Grand Lodge of Illinois discusses an aspect of the investigating committee often overlooked. Also below, make sure you look at our SHOUT OUTS, to get some great Masonic news from across North America.

When we think of the December Holidays, most of us think of Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa or even the winter solstice. But as Masons we should also turn our attention to St. John the Evangelist Day, celebrated on December 27th. St. John the Evangelist holds a special place in Freemasonry, as one of the two patron Saints John. His emphasis on love and light aligns with Masonic principles, promoting brotherly love, truth, and moral guidance. Freemasons often observe the Feast of St. John the Evangelist by reflecting on these virtues.

Despite his importance in the canon of Freemasonry, many modern Masons are not as informed as they could be about the life and legacy of this important Saint. Here are a few websites to check out to learn more about St. John the Evangelist and Freemasonry:

Feel Free to share these links on your upcoming newsletters & social media posts!

Can’t wait to get started on a GREAT 2024 for Freemasonry!


The Masonic Renewal Committee

PS: Does your Lodge or Grand Lodge have something to share? Just reply to this email and tell us about it!

Lodge Investigating Committee 

Accelerating His Journey

by Right Worshipful Brother Wayne Spooner
…. some of the most valuable work that we perform for Ancient Craft
Masonry is serving on an Investigating Committee for a man who submits a petition to our Lodge.

Not Just a Man A Mason

Consider using the “Not Just A Man, A Mason” campaign from the Supreme Council, A.A.S.R., N.M.J. This initiative provides a series of meaningful graphics that echo our Masonic teachings and values, serving as a vivid reminder of our commitments. Perfect for display in Lodge Halls, enhancing social media, or enriching newsletters, these images offer a dynamic way for Grand Lodges and local Lodges to engage members and foster unity. Utilize these resources to improve visibility and our brother’s dedication to our principles.

Anderson’s Constitutions of 1723

2023 marked a monumental milestone in Freemasonry: the 300th anniversary of the publication of Anderson’s Constitutions, originally titled ‘The Constitutions of the Freemasons’. This seminal work laid the foundations of modern Freemasonry. In celebration, Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 of London, England, launched an educational website. It delves into the profound impact of this volume, an impact which continues to resonate with us today.


 Minnesota & BeAFreemason.org

achievements utilizing the BeAFreemason.org website. In a report to the Grand Lodge:
“There were nearly 600 inquiries by way of the website: BeAFreemason.org, with an average age of 36 years old! Nearly 300 of those inquiries petitioned the lodges they were assigned to!”

Congrats to the Brothers in Minnesota for such excellent work AND for sharing the information with the rest of the craft. The Grand Lodge is sharing their full report and you can read it at the link below.

 AMD Masonic Week 2024

Brothers who are members of the several bodies meeting at Masonic Week, mark your calendars for Masonic Week 2024. Scheduled from February 5th to 12th in Arlington, Virginia, this event promises a week of engaging activities and fellowship. Masonic Week offers not just insightful events but also the chance to explore Masonic sites in the Washington, D.C. area such as the George Washington Masonic National Memorial and House of the Temple, home of the Supreme Council, A.&A.S.R, S.J.


The Masonic Renewal Committee Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America is dedicated to fostering the growth of Freemasonry by sharing & promoting proven strategies & best practices to enhance membership development & retention.

We are grateful for the financial support
we receive from the following:

Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Indiana
Grand Lodge F & A. M. of Florida
Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of New Jersey
Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction
Supreme Council, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
Shriners International