Hiram’s Call June 2023
Brother ,
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Hiram’s Call newsletter by the Masonic Renewal Committee (MRC). This newsletter is specifically sent to the Grand Secretaries of the Conference of Grand Secretaries in North America, MRC Representatives from the Grand Lodges of the Conference of Grand Masters in Masons in North America, and MRC Core Committee members.
We extend a warm welcome! While our newsletter primarily focuses on the work of the MRC, our overarching goal is to provide valuable information and programming that enriches the Masonic experience and supports Membership Development and Retention. In addition, we aim to share updates from other affiliated groups such as the Masonic Service Association, George Washington Masonic National Memorial, Masonic Children’s Foundation, and the Civility Project, ensuring that our content remains concise yet addresses the needs of our busy brethren. If we have detailed information to share, we will provide links to our website or other relevant sources.
We hope that these newsletters will inspire and inform you.
Thank you, Brother!
Toolboxes, etc. for Lodges and the Masonic Bodies
Member of the Core Committee of the MRC
- Masonic Renewal Committee library – www.masonicrenewal.org
- Iowa Masonic Library and Museums – https://grandlodgeofiowa.org/library-2/
- Scottish Rite, NMJ – https://scottishritenmj.org/best-practices and https://www.srmml.org/library-archives/
- Scottish Rite, SJ – https://scottishrite.org/media-publications/scottish-rite-journal/
- DeMolay International – https://beademolay.org/resources/
- Knights Templar of the USA – https://knightstemplar.org/KnightTemplar/archive/
- Masonic Service Association, Short Talk Bulletin – https://shorttalkbulletin.com/
And then there are the Masonic blogs. Here are links to the more popular ones:
- freemasonsfordummies.blogspot.com
- midnightfreemasons.org
- freemasoninformation.com
- themagpiemason.blogspot.com
- scottishrite.org
- nationalheritagemuseum.typepad.com
- dr-david-harrison.com
- secularfreemason.blogspot.com
- toddecreason.blogspot.com
- travelingtemplar.com
It is said that “anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty”. As Freemasons, we are seekers of more light (knowledge). When I was a “young” Freemason, I had a mentor who suggested that I read a portion of our ritual book every day, ask questions, look for answers, research and share the search and love for knowledge. I have been trying to do so since. I have learned a lot and know that I have more to learn. More knowledge leads to more questions which then lead to more learning. The internet has a wealth of materials as may the libraries of your Lodge and Grand Lodge.
Share your Masonic knowledge. You can start a Lodge book club or a Lodge Study Club, if your Lodge does not have one. You can also write articles for your Lodge newsletter or for your Grand Lodge magazine or other Masonic Bodies’ publications.Present masonic education pieces at your Lodge meetings. Ask the Brethren to make similar presentations. That might get them started in researching or at least looking for interesting articles to present. It is not rocket science but can lead to a lot of very interesting topics and ideas.
MRC Engage Conference
Not Just a Man, A Mason.
Congrats to Shriners!
Masonic Membership Dashboard
The Masonic Renewal Committee is working on an exciting new project called the Masonic Membership Dashboard. This new dashboard is a compilation of the membership metrics that are contained in the Grand Secretary’s Report (in the jurisdiction’s Annual Communication). We have compiled 100 years of membership data for seven jurisdictions so far — and we are currently working with other jurisdictions to continue building out this tremendous resource. Our hope is that this dashboard will help Grand Lodge’s improve understanding of their membership metrics, historical trends, and impacts that programs have on their members.