Hiram’s Call November 2023

VOL. 1, ISSUE 6                          November, 2023


We hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! For this issue of Hiram’s Call we start with a thought provoking essay from Brother Neil Neddermeyer, PGM, Minnesota and a Past Chairman of our committee. Also, we highlight the Masonic Family Civility Project. This organization, lead by Russ Charvonia, PGM, California is one of the several committees and associations within the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America.

Scroll down & enjoy!


The Masonic Renewal Committee

PS: Does your Lodge or Grand Lodge have something to share? Just reply to this email and tell us about it!

The Dichotomy of the Letter ‘G’

by Brother Neil Neddermeyer, PGM, Minnesota
Past Chairman, Masonic Renewal Committee

G is always displayed above the Masters chair in the East. We are told that it stands for the Grand Architect of the Universe, God and it also stands for the science of Geometry.  The new candidate needs to profess his faith in God.  Geometry is the science that our ancient brothers used to build the great edifices of western Europe.

The Masonic Family Civility Project

Civility is definitely needed in the world today. Who can best work and best agree. The Project is one of the associated committees and associations of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America. Please take a look at the website, there are opportunities for your Lodge and Grand Lodge to make a positive impact not only on our Brother Masons, but on our communities and on society as a whole.

~ Russ Charvonia,
Past Grand Master
of Masons in California

Well Done!!
Jeffrey M. Wonderling
Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania!

Our Right Worshipful Brother’s term as Grand Master comes to a close at the Annual Business Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania on Wednesday, December 27. We congratulate him on his service and thank him for representing the MRC in Pennsylvania.

The Masonic Renewal Committee Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America is dedicated to fostering the growth of Freemasonry by sharing & promoting proven strategies & best practices to enhance membership development & retention.

We are grateful for the financial support
we receive from the following:

Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Indiana
Grand Lodge F & A. M. of Florida
Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of New Jersey
Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction
Supreme Council, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
Shriners International